Aylsworth, Jonas
Bachner, Edward F.
Bacon, Clare E.
Baekeland, Leo
Baer, Eric
Bailey, James
Beall, Glen
Beetle, Carl
Belcher, Sameul L.
Bishop, Richard
Black, Otis
Blount, Clint
Boeschenstein, H
Borro, Edward
Boyer, Raymond
Bradbury, Williamry
Bradt, Rexford H.
Breskin, Charles
Brown, Gordon
Burroughs, Charles
Carothers, Wallace
Chapman, Frank
Cleworth, C. W.
Condit, Charles
Conley, Fred
Cruse, William
Deanin, Rudolph
DeBell, John
Delmonte, John
Doak, Kenneth
Dow, Willard
Doyle, Bernard
Dreyfus, Camille
Dubois, J. Harry
Eastman, George
Ehlers, Russell
Ellis, Carleton
Erikson, Erik
Estabrook, Jr., F. R.
Flory, Paul
Forger, Robert
Foster, Joseph
Fox, Daniel W.
Gatto, Charles
Gigliotti, M. F. X.
Goggin, William
Goldsworthy, W.B.
Gore, Wilbert
Grebe, John
Griffith, Henry E.
Griffith, Palmer
Gross, Sid
Grote, Sr., Walter
Haine, Walter
Hanford, William
Harding, Ralph
Heckman, Jerome
Hemming, Emile
Hendrie, George
Hobson, Edwin L.
Hoffer, Robert
Hohl, John
Holz, Harold A.
Huidekoper, P.
Humphrey, G. P.
Huntsman, Jon
Hyatt, John Wesley
Hyde, J.F.
Jennings, Garland
Karol, Frederick J.
Kavanaugh, Lionel
Keville, John
Kleiderer, C. W.
Kline, Gordon M.
Kretzschmar, J. R.
Kruder, George A.
Kwolek, S. L.
Land, Edwin H.
Lankton, Gordon
Lester, William M.
Lubin, George
Maccaferri, Mario
Maddock, Bruce H.
Mark, Herman F.
Marra, Frank S.
Marshall, Abraham
Martinelli, Guy A.
Marvel, Carl Shipp
McGrath, James E.
Morrison, Robert S.
Muehlstein, Herman
Nalle, Jr., George S.
Nissel, Frank R.
Ott, Emile
Palmer, Spencer E.
Peters, Don. L.
Pitcher, Arnold E.
Plueddemann, E.
Plunkett, Roy J.
Porter, Roger S.
Quarnstrom, Ivar
Rahm, Louis Frank
Reib, John C.
Reinhart, Frank W.
Richardson, Henry
Robertson, Harold
Rosato, Dominick V.
Rowan, Sr., Edward
Rubens, L.C. "Bud"
Rubin, Irvin I.
Schwab, Fred E.
Scribner, George K.
Seabury, R. W.
Semon, Waldo L.
Seymour, R. B.
Shaw, Frank H.
Shaw, Louis E.
Sherwood, Miller G.
Slater, John G.
Spaak, Albert
Stein, Richard S.
Stott, Lewis L.
Stoughton, T. S.
Swedlow, David A.
Thomas, Islyn
Tupper, Earl S.
Von Holdt, John
Whitlock, Carl
Willert, William H.
Wyeth, N. C.
Zimmerman, A. S.
Richard B. Bishop - Hall of Fame Entry
Author: Plastics Academy Staff
Added: 03/28/2004
Type: Summary
Viewed: 443 time(s)
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Richard B. Bishop - Hall of Fame Entry
Richard B. Bishop
Birthdate: N/A
Deceased: N/A
Induction: 1991 Industry Areas: Process |
A major contributor to the development of processes and installation of polystyrene and ABS polymer plants throughout the world. Devoted equal energy and ingenuity to research, education, and industry activities.
During his 50-year career in plastics, Bishop has given unstintingly of his time to young people, and fostered in them his love and knowledge of the plastics industry. Among the many processes he developed that are still in commercial use:
- Manufacture of 2,2-Dinitropropane
- The aromatic formalite reaction products as extenders and modifiers for other resins
- A nitrile process being used for an improved melamine resin formulation
- An improved method of suspension polymerization that increased plant capacity by 50%
- New impact material by mass graft polymerization
- Nylon pilot plant for polymerization of caprolactam
Bishop is an international consultant in plastics and petrochemicals in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Europe. He also was a Research Associate Professor of Chemistry at Holy Cross College, Director of Research for Foster Grant Co., Coordinator of Sales and Production for the Berlyn Corp., and Research Chemist for Socony Mobil. He has 40 patents granted in the field of plastics production and polymerization. His book, Practical Polymerization for Polystyrene, and numerous other publications contributed to the industry's growth.
In addition to his activities in the SPE and the SPI, he is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also a member of ACS and the Plastics Pioneers. Born in Baltimore, MD in 1916, where he graduated with honors from Loyola High School, he received his BS in chemistry (Cum Laude) from Holy Cross College in 1938 and his MS (1939) on a fellowship. He did graduate work on a scholarship in organic chemistry at Johns Hopkins University (1940). He lives with his wife Marie Louise and his four children in Worcester, MA.
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